For health and safety reasons, BLOK reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone not signed in and ready for their class after its start time.
We operate a 0 minute latecomer policy for all classes, so anyone who arrives after their class has begun will not be admitted into class.
Please note that there is no exception to this rule. If a class is waitlisted latecomers will immediately forfeit their booked spot at the start time of the class.
This policy is in place to ensure classes start on time and that you get the benefits of a full workout. It’s also there to prevent injury and to be mindful of the trainer & other participants in the class.
Please respect our Front of House teams at all times.
Where possible they will enroll you into an alternative class later that day if you are unable to attend your original booking. In order to avoid penalty fees, you must cancel your reservation a minimum of 12 hours before the start of the class. You can manage all of your class bookings online by logging into the BLOK app or by calling a studio.
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