Cardio training improves heart health and circulation, controls blood pressure and releases endorphins, leading to a healthier and happier life. Cardio classes are instrumental in increasing metabolism and burning excess body fat.
BLOKs' high intensity classes offer more than a generic HIIT workout, challenging your body in multiple ways while learning and developing new skills, perfect to cross train in other disciplines.
You will work through short bursts of high impact, intense anaerobic exercises with shorter, less intense recovery periods; improving your cardiovascular and metabolic health. Or put your body through long, continuous sets improving your cardio and muscular endurance and power. You will have the opportunity to strengthen and tone your body through isometric and isotonic movements focusing on arms, glutes and core; targeting muscles you won't hit with compound movements, ensuring you maintain strength and compliment a multidisciplinary exercise plan. These high intensity classes will be accompanied with deep developmental stretches, allowing all important full recovery.
Cardio Killer, BLOKfit, BLOKflex, BLOKsculpt, BLOKcore.
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